Iterative Clostest Point (ICP)
Estimation of transformation parameters without known correspondences. We are given two sets of points left and right and our goal is to estimate:
- correspondences between the points
- Tranformation between the sets
This page is available for practice as an interactive jupyter notebook.
- Set approximate values (here: estimate rotation)
- Assign points of left and right point cloud to each other
- Compute transformation using the correspondences from 2.
- Transform left point cloud
- Compute mean squared error (MSE)
- Iteration: Go to line 2. until convergence
- Compute final transformation
Set approximate values
Translation and scale a given.
$s_0=1$, $ t_0=\begin{pmatrix}
The initial rotation matrix $R_0$ can be estimated visualy. You may use the provided animation
function. Optional you may optimize approximate values by (rndomized) grid search.
# imports
import numpy as np
from tools import rotmat_from_quat
from plyfile import PlyData
from tools import rotmat_from_quat
from sklearn.neighbors import KDTree
visualization = True # Use this flag to deactive the visualization
if visualization:
import ipyvolume as ipv
def animate(lefts_array, right):
lefts_array = np.stack(lefts_array)
if len(lefts_array.shape) == 3 :
sl = ipv.scatter(lefts_array[:,:,0], lefts_array[:,:,1], lefts_array[:,:,2], size=1, marker='sphere',color='green', color_selected='white')
elif len(lefts_array.shape) == 2:
sl = ipv.scatter(lefts_array[:,0], lefts_array[:,1], lefts_array[:,2], size=1, marker='sphere',color='green', color_selected='white')
raise UnkownError("Unsupported state.")
ipv.scatter(right[:,0], right[:,1], right[:,2], size=1, marker='sphere',color='red')
ipv.animation_control(sl) # shows controls for animation controls
# load data
_data ='tango5cm.ply').elements[0].data
left = np.stack((_data['x'], _data['y'], _data['z']), axis=1)
_data ='riegl5cm.ply').elements[0].data
right = np.stack((_data['x'], _data['y'], _data['z']), axis=1)
print("Left points count: {}".format(left.shape[0]))
print("Right points count: {}".format(right.shape[0]))
# example visualization
if visualization:
animate((left), right)
# The first paramter of the animate function can be a list of points list.
# In this animation is generated between the point lits.
# mv = np.array([4, 4, 4])
# animate((left, left - mv, left + mv*0.5), right)
Left points count: 8753
Right points count: 9099
Estimate Correspondences
We assume that closest points (euclidean distance) in left and right data set are the corrensponding one. The usage of a KDTree data structure can improve our implementation. Please read following documentation. Feel free to use an other correspndence estimation strategie. Ignore the automated test in that case.
def sort_by_corrspondence(left, right):
# This method takes two lists of points and return a subset of right list. With following properties
# return right sublist with same length as left list and the points left[i] and right_sublist[i] are the closest points.
raise NotImplementedError()
def test_cor():
tpl = np.array([[0,0,1],
tpr = np.array([[0,0.5,-0.5],
sr = sort_by_corrspondence(tpl,tpr)
assert all(tpr[0] == sr[1]) and all(tpr[1] == sr[0]) and all(tpr[2] == sr[2])
Implement ICP
Implement a function for icp which takes the parameters icp(s_0, t_0, R_0, left, right):
and returns s, t, R,
the estimated transformation and list of meaned square error for each iteration step.
#Use this area to copy paste your code from earlier exercises
#raise NotImplementedError()
def icp(s, t, R, left, right):
left_states = [left]
left_trans = s*, left.transpose()).transpose() + t
left_states.append(left_trans) # if you store the intermidiate states of the left list thex will be animated.
max_iter = 20
#raise NotImplementedError()
if visualization:
animate(left_states, right)
# dont forget to return the values
- use the given 3D point clouds “tango5cm.ply” (left) and “riegl5cm.ply” (right, reference) as input data for ICP
- determine the final transformation parameters
- plot the mean square errors (MSE) of the ICP iterations
# Apply icp
t=np.array([0.6, 1, -0.2])
# wrong rotation. estimate your own rotation.
R = np.array([[0.2, -0.8, 0],
[-0.3, 0, 0.7],
[0, 0.2, 0.8]
#raise NotImplementedError()
icp(1, t, R, left, right)
This how it looks like if everything works well:
With a bad initial rotation icp is useless:
Author: | Artem Leichter |
Last modified: | 2019-05-02 |